April Joines

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My Jumps for Joy


I'm fundraising for...children who have cancer!

My Star Jump Challenge Achievements!

Uploaded Profile Picture

First Donation

Raised 50% of My Goal

Raised 75% of My Goal

Fundraising Goal Reached! ✨

Jumps for Joy Met! ✅

My Updates

Starlight ⭐️

Sunday 23rd Apr
Really jumping for joy excited to  participate to raise awareness and money to help children in hospitals with the Star Jump Challenge   is a really great way to help be in good fitness while encouraging others to want to jump for joy to help kids in the hospitals.  Life is a blessing ! Hopefully others will join in happily also to help children in need of medical care !
 Blessings , ✨
💙💗💚💛April  Joines 

Thank you to my Donors


April Joines